
Wednesday 11 June 2014

The perfect watch

Watches are a fact which brings a class to fashion. It is one of the fact that people judge how class you are.
Heirloom watches
A vintage watch is a piece of history that,exempt from inheritance tax, can provide a valuable connection to the past. If it is treated with care and respect it will repay its owner with untold years of reliable timekeeping .
Top tips from experts on looking after your investment,
1. A vintage watch should be serviced at least once every three to four years ; this replaces the old oils with new and removes any dirt that will effect the performance of the watch .
2. Make sure that your watch whilst it is still on your wrist, as this can cause a winding stem to bend or break. Always take off your watch first. (The Mayfair magazine,Feb 2013)
Fun facts ;)
The omega speed master chronograph is the first watch that has been worn to the moon.


Polka dots

Polka dots is one the best designs which is among the trend in the present. I though I should defineatly write about polka dots since its one of my favourite. This particular designs attracts only few people with fashion sense. It is a very simple design and unique,which attracts stalkers. (to be continued)


Fragrance can be divided in to many categories such as body sprays,perfume's and etc. Basically it's all about keeping your self in good smell. Fragrance is also a part of fashion,which makes people around you to judge how fashionable are you.. People judge you in different ways where s it depends on brands of the fragrance you use.
There are various types of fragrances which has different types of smells. For example, Boss is one best and my favorite and it gives a tremendous smell which makes people to judge that you have a good fashion sense. This particular fragrance is quite expensive but still it will be worth for the money you spend.(to be continued)

Fashion studio

Life is all about fashion. In my opinion a human without a fashion is not well treated in a society. I would say this include every thing such as, appearance, facial beard,footwear,wardrobes and etc..
Cleanliness is the base for fashion. If someone think of being fashionable, the basic is being clean always.For example daily bath,applying necessary lotions,keeping the surrounding clean and neat and etc.. Mostly, people thinks that wearing good clothes would be enough to be fashionable, which is false. Fashion is not something which is that easy to adopt to someone's life. It should be practised and something very serious. It's all the persons willingness to make him self beautiful.(To be continued)

The digital world

Technology is something that grows day by day which has no end. A huge land phone to a mini touch screen phone depicts the  growth of technology. Graham bell, inventor of the telephone wouldn't even dreamt that his invention might grow this far and it would be a part of human beings life. Thanks  to that gentleman I'm writing this blog thorough my phone which is very convenient.Like wise there are many needs that humans can satisfy by these miniature devices.